Hey there!

      I'm Tanya, I learned to massage at a very young age. It all started when my girls would come over for a sleep over on the weekends and I would sit on the butt and give them a back massage while we watched movies! Then my dad always asked for me to walk on his back and when I rolled into high-school my hands never stopped moving. If I wasn't massaging I was waiting tables, cleaning, cooking, doing puzzles. 

      Truth be told I'm always up to something. 

      My friends convinced me I should go to massage school and make a career put of what I love to do. Graduation came in 2010 and the inspiration of the human body had only just begun. In 2015 I joined my best friends in opening the world's first Adult Gymnastics facility. I was honored to be the front and center and opening day I was the manager. I absolutely loved everything about this job. As a people pleaser this job couldn't be more fitting. I worked the front desk, greeting everyone who walked through the door. Not only was that my absolute favorite I stepped into the role of a fitness coach and talk about a dream job. A room full of 30+ people that I got to encourage, motivate, and push them to the next best version of themselves. 

      Bodyweight training was such a good addition to my massage Therapist background. Moving my own body in ways I didn't know was possible brought on an awareness that can't be taught without experiencing it. 

      We all know, nothing is forever and six years later my dream job had faded and my next best chapter was beginning. 

      I took a solo trip to Egypt and without thinking twice I found the love of my life. You know it's love at first sight when he asks you to marry him the first day you meet! 

      Three years of visiting Egypt and My husband arrived in America and shortly after we were happy to announce a new addition to our family! Meet Elazab! 

      Being pregnant scared me in every way possible. Oh my body....will it ever be the same, my belly.....is it going to stick out....my boobs...are they going to blow up. 

      Little did I know the years I build doing bodyweight training was going to save my life. 

      Pregnancy was smooth sailing (allhumduliah) I trained all throughout my pregnancy, stretching front Splits, middle Splits and back bends until delivery! (Yes back bends, but I know my bodies limits) 

      Baby boy was born August 2nd, 2020. He was a birth abroad. (Oh that's another story within its self) jump over to Tea with Tea to learn more about my journey! 

      Post Partum surprised me in so many ways. One of them being how fast my hair fell out! How fast I dropped down to pre-pregnancy weight and also how quick my tone muscles were to go soft. Yes, that part was a shocker! No one told me my tone body was about to go limp! 

      One day at a time I really focused on my abs. Correcting my Diastasis, picking up my Pelvic floor that I left at the doctors office and you guys know with a strong core everything else comes easier. 

       I am here to share my journey with you. I know every moms experience is unique, beautiful and one of a kind. But I'm hoping that putting myself out there I can relate with other moms and we can work together to lift each other up. To build the confidence in your mom body like you've never had before. 

      I love coffee, core work, binaural beats, sunshine and playing with kids! And as crazy as it sounds, I love early early mornings and Mondays. Yup, I'm that person. 

Community & Support

      When I was going through massage school my teacher asked to write my vision, short and simple I wrote. 

      "I want to heal the world one person at a time." Little did I know I was going to be living in another country for part of my journey, nor did I know I was going to be connecting deeply with moms.

      Sharing my love for others, is why I am here. Watching clients get up off my massage table in a mental place they haven't been in a while, watching them glow with grace, was so fulfilling. Watching my clients push themselves on a fitness level and make physical gains they once thought were impossible is my why. Watching friends become moms, be moms and love on their mom is always my why. 

      The only thing better than training, is training with you. 

      Whether it's the need for one on one training, finding the best fitness courses to follow, mom motivation, body confidence, a network of makers to cheer you on you will find it here.

      You will also find creative inspiration and encouragement with my weekly Tea with Tea episodes. 

      I also have an online community space for all my students. If you've taken a class with me (either in person or online) or are a member of MammaTea's Training you're invited to join us here on Facebook in the MammaTea Lounge.

My Manifesto

      My life's mission is to nurture, inspire and connect......and I do that through training the physical body, improving mental positivity,  and living a life full of travel and adventure. 

      I believe In building bridges, not fences. 

      My business is built around community, if you smiled once while reading this, my job is complete! 

      I believe in equality, justice, and human rights for all people. Whoever you are, whoever you love, whatever you look like, wherever you’re from, however you identify. You belong here.  

      When people ask "What do you do" 

     I say "What ever it takes."